
Showing posts from April, 2012


Okay, I have noticed that since running time became the time of the day I have the most mental activity, I can solve about one problem per mile; sometimes two if I have had enough coffee. This morning I was on a roll! I solved the world's energy crisis, global warming, the cost of gasoline, and made a pretty big dent in the housing decline. As I did not have paper and pencil handy to make all the critical notes, I have since forgotten half of what I thought about and know that the other half is impossible from an engineering and economic standpoint. However, I was completely and utterly entertained for my run. I do jest but on a more serious note, I do get to think about a lot of things that effect my life and the life of my kids, husband, students, and those with whom I share my time during the day. I talk to myself about what's bothering me and why; what I can or can't do about it and all of the little things over which I have no control. It's a pretty cheap therapy...
Saturday's run this week was unusual. I was feeling particularly comfy in my PJ's, sipping my Starbucks French Roast and watching the sunrise from my east facing window. I am always grateful for every run but some days the motivation and my ability to talk myself out of it can often cause days to pass between runs. Today I took inspiration from the sun and so I laced up my shoes and was out the door. My first mile was downhill and quick and I was trying to listen to Pandora on my cell phone instead of my tired running playlist. A song came on about half way through mile two that I had not remembered hearing before. It's called "Check Yes Juliet" by We the Kings. The song was so supremely and perfectly timed to my cadence that I forgot for the entire song that my feet were even touching the ground. I hadn't felt that in a long time and was so thankful for it that I bought the song...impulse buying with "one-click" is my nemesis and soon t...

April 26, 2012

I should be sleeping because my alarm clock says that in 6 hours and 35 minutes I am supposed to, "get up and run, silly!" I have my coffee pot set to have my morning inspiration ready and waiting at the optimum temperature so that drinking it does not cause third degree burns on my tongue. I wasn't always a coffee drinker but that story is for another day. I should be sleeping so that I don't try to talk myself out of getting up to do what I love, but on the hamster mill I so dread. I will because I can simulate wind blowing through my hair with the fan, plug my perfectly chosen Pandora station into my ears, press 6.1 for my warmup mile and imagine I am cruising down the road. That all sounds well and good but come 4:30 or so I will not want to get up and do anything while the house is silent with sleeping kids, husband, and dog! I will do it anyway because I want to live to wake up in the silent house long after it's empty of the dog, the kids, and...well you ne...