Okay, I have noticed that since running time became the time of the day I have the most mental activity, I can solve about one problem per mile; sometimes two if I have had enough coffee. This morning I was on a roll! I solved the world's energy crisis, global warming, the cost of gasoline, and made a pretty big dent in the housing decline. As I did not have paper and pencil handy to make all the critical notes, I have since forgotten half of what I thought about and know that the other half is impossible from an engineering and economic standpoint. However, I was completely and utterly entertained for my run. I do jest but on a more serious note, I do get to think about a lot of things that effect my life and the life of my kids, husband, students, and those with whom I share my time during the day. I talk to myself about what's bothering me and why; what I can or can't do about it and all of the little things over which I have no control. It's a pretty cheap therapy...