Benefits of cross training-UGH!

I know that strength training combined with running is an important factor in avoiding injury, building lean muscle, and preventing bone loss, but if given the choice between finding time to strength train or run, I always choose the run as I feel it gives me the biggest bang for my buck…so to speak. However, I am reminded once a year, after the gradual accumulation of my winter coat (that layer of adipose tissue that develops from hibernation during the cooler months here in SoCal) that strength training combined with running is the most effective way to lose that coat, FAST! So the regimen has begun! Running happens four days a week and a boot camp style workout the other two (every girl has to take a day off sometime!). Today was a run, yesterday was a boot camp. Today’s run felt like moving through quicksand. My legs were heavy, my arms hurt, I had no spring in my step, and my mile time was 30 seconds slower than I am used to. UGH! Why do I stop cross training in the first pl...