I hate technology, I’m going for a run!

Have you ever become so happily and mindlessly dependent on something and then had it go completely wrong and you have to revert to plan B really fast? Today was that kind of a day. I have so much work to finish and my laptop decided to lose it’s webcam, external microphones and my fingerprint reader that stores all of my passwords. It’s like, since Tuesday, the peripheral hardware on my 6 month old machine have flown the coop. AAAARRRRRGGGHHH. So, I am going for a run and am going to call HP support tomorrow and they will either tell me how to get them back or this pig is going in a box and I am getting it fixed. A run is definitely needed. Colin, my son is going with me. If you have any gnarly tech debacles to share, please do. I feel very alone in my angst right now. Computers are not as friendly as running shoes! Stacy