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Upcoming events in the life of a running, teaching, mom… The river this weekend for which I have limited time and no patience to clean, pack, shop or do laundry for; training for another half marathon in January that I have time for and the motivation but why does it have to start getting light later in the morning now that I am obliged to get up earlier; goal setting conferences at work with students and parents that are hugely beneficial and very productive but have monopolized any time I have to grade papers, cook dinner, do homework with my kids or BLOG! for several weeks; three weekend conferences for work that will occupy three weekends between now and the end of October; and, The Color Run, that I get to run with my friend Jean (who is going to be so happy I finally posted--she should be smiling now!), which is in November and we get to be doused in colorful powdery goodness—so excited for this one! Running is what gets me through the stress and tough schedule that would exhau...