Running as a form of transportation

Sounds pretty crazy and my Dad thinks I am a loon every time he sees me running anywhere; but he especially thinks I am a complete nut job when he sees me running home from dropping of my truck at the shop.

I had to do this today because the next several weekdays are packed with work, fun, packing for a trip and our wedding anniversary. As well, I do not know yet if there are hidden things to deal with on the truck that will be in addition to the lengthy list I gave the mechanic. And so, after taking my Mom to get some blood drawn at the lab, I came back home, dropped her and the weasels off at her house and drove about 4.5 miles back into town to Lakeside Muffler and Welding, where I left my truck in very capable hands. I had planned to run home because I am training for a 1/2 marathon and need the hill work and it was a short distance and I needed the exercise and so on and so on.

I left the shop at a solid training pace, got to the Lakeside River Walk and did some trail running then headed up Vista Camino and my, “favorite,” hills…no matter how fresh my legs are—and they are not fresh right now coming off a boot camp workout yesterday—that series of hills always kicks my tail…a humbling experience with no exceptions today. I was so humbled in fact that the last 1/2 mile to the house was a walk instead of a run with the excuse firmly in my head that I needed the, “cool down,” from my super strenuous workout (ha ha ha).  It was in this last 1/2 mile that my Dad drove past me, waving out the window. Motivated to pick up the pace, I closed the last few hundred yards at a sprint (which is always a great way to finish a race by the way) and stopped by (they live next door) to say hello.

That’s when Dad asked how my run was. I proceeded to tell him the story and his faced went from inquisitive to shocked, then to disbelief and finally, to an expression that can only be described as, “What the bleep were you thinking?”  He offered me a ride back down the hill when it’s ready later today or tomorrow but the silly head doesn’t realize it’s just another opportunity for me to run, with purpose and intent…and it’s all downhill from my house! Therefore, when I get the call that it is ready, I will suit up, lace up and disappear…maybe even make a longer run out of it since I won’t have to climb that gosh awful hill series to get home…I will again have my truck.

It’s not the first time I have used my feet for transportation and it won’t be the last. We do what we have to do, as moms, wives, employees and whatever other role we play; however, some things are meant to be enjoyed and when you can sneak in a run as a reason to get from one place to another, you are either crazy or love to run…I am a bit of both and I hope you are too.

Here’s to the journey!



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