Going the distance
There are a lot of reasons to keep running during the winter; even though it’s cold and dark and…yatta, yatta, yatta. Complaints aside, and really, what does complaining get you anyway; so what do you get if you run during the winter months? Improved mood from exercise. From personal experience, the cold and the dark sap me of all kinds of motivation and energy, seemingly wanting to sleep all the time…you would think I lived in Seattle! But running almost every day helps keep my mood even and gets me outside. In order to get this done, I use my lunchtime (40 minutes) or some time before the kids get home (30 minutes), or I get up in the morning and either jump on the treadmill or gear up and feel the morning chill on my face. Giving myself options for running time (or jogging, or walking or riding a bike) keeps me motivated and happy to exercise. In order to get warmed up in the morning, I do sun salutations (yoga) and then jump into a run, it gets my legs warmed up! I get to eat Tha...