The Color Run

Ok. This is easily the most fun you can have on two feet! The Color Run is a complete free for all of unabashed happiness and complete amazingness!
My friend Jean and I ran with wave 1 of the 9:00 AM start for 3.1 miles of happy faces, color throwing, drumlines and lively music. I would seriously recommend this run to anyone who wants to simply enjoy a morning run with 15,000 of your closest friends.
There is no sense of competitiveness; no time to worry about, frisbees and shwag flying about, and a rUnicorn waving the starting flag. The memories are going to be around for a long time and I am looking forward to talking a few more people into this run next year.
The Silver Strand 5k next weekend will be another beautiful event. Hope to see you there, constant runner!

Happiness on two feet,


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