
Showing posts from December, 2012

There are worse things to be addicted to…

I am addicted to running. Even on the days when I am taking a rest or I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, running is still on my mind. I am constantly playing a game with myself to change it up; make it seem brand new. Like that new relationship feeling, or that new car smell, or the new shoe excitement. Running is the one relationship that I am not afraid to work on; we may take a break from each other for a spell but when we hook up again, it’s like we were never apart. Running will always leave me breathless with anticipation for the next fix. Endorphins are my friend. Keep running, Stacy

Run Like a Girl


Training, training, training

I am having so much fun training for my upcoming 1/2 marathon!! The Carlsbad Half is my favorite race because it’s on the coast, it’s flat and it’s fast!! I am running at all odd hours of the day to prepare but the weather is so amazing during the day that running at o’dark thirty is no longer necessary or agreeable! With the kids sound asleep at 4:45 AM, I was running on the hamster mill and grooving to my favorite Pandora station, when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I, of course, had a heart attack (because nothing moves in my house that early in the morning), until I realized it was my son. Apparently, the kids are now old enough that noise wakes them from their normally coma-like sleep. He said he had heard the treadmill and got up to see what I was doing. He didn’t know how early it was and so I sent him back to bed; however, my run was over, at least inside. I added some outer wear and cruised down the road but with it being really dark and a bit chilly, it wa...