Let the fracas begin
fracas n. A noisy, disorderly fight or quarrel; a brawl. See synonyms at brawl . If you have more than one child roaming the halls of your home…and you have the joy of experiencing their summer break with them…you fully understand what a fracas is! I have attempted to instill a, “play hard, be nice,” philosophy with both of our kids since the older was big enough to wield some level of pain over the younger. Yet, I remember from my own childhood with a younger brother that certain times necessitate a full-on, out of control, no holds barred, fracas! Some sibling discontent cannot be solved any other way. Is it a bit too contrived on my part that I create the battleground, complete with pillows, blankets, stuffed animals and a starting bell? I think not! By the end of said, “brawl,” that they find totally insane on my part, they are usually laughing hysterically and the reason they were fighting in the first place is totally forgotten. I love these moments! They and I, laughing so ha...
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