National Running Day

I am often confused when I see days that I take for granted listed as a 'National' day as if to be commemorated and then left for another year. I understand and even honored yesterday's National Running Day with my kiddos as we traveled our fairly quiet neighborhood by running shoe. It was a time for the three of us to see what has changed and grown and died in the course of time that has passed since they ran with me last. We took the opportunity to ask each other questions about our day, our respective school years, and about the myriad plans we have to both relax and avoid electronics this summer. I learned that they have become strong runners!

But upon reflection, the kids and I have discussions like this everyday whether we run or not. I run almost daily, whether it's National Running Day or not. I want to ride my bike to work every day but can ill afford to get hit by a car driven by someone who is more interested in their cell phone than the road. In my humble opinion, in our attempt to keep fitness, or any Day, in the forefront of everyone's mind so that they are motivated to do SOMETHING; what we have done in creating things like, "Ride your Bike to Work Day," "National Running Day," "Patriots Day," etc., is given our wonderful population of people a set time to ride, run, celebrate or mourn; only to put it aside for next year's BBQ or festival. When will we see fitness, mental health and service to our community and our country not as events with time limits, but as lifelong endeavors that make each other and this world a better place?

So I implore you, fellow people with your own personal angst and fears, joys and challenges; wake up everyday and do your, 'chores.' Take care of yourself, take care of your family, take care of your community and take care of your planet. Not just on National Running Day, Mother's Day or Father's Day; in addition to Patriot's Day, Labor Day, and Memorial Day; above and beyond Earth Day; do something EVERY day.

Perhaps a not-so-gentle reminder that we are here, together. When are we going to start making every day count? A lot of little things, done over time, can make a huge difference. Try one.



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