Amidst the 2017 Miles

Somewhere around the end of 2016, I decided to set a goal to run 2017 miles in 2017. It is an ambitious goal, one that I am completely beholden to, and as I have collected nearly 1200 miles this year, so far, I am learning that I am stronger than I ever thought I could be, able to get stronger, faster, and more confident by going slower, running longer, walking the easy days, and pushing myself on the hard days. I've run more days and miles in 2017 than I ran, collectively, in the 5 years prior. And I feel incredible. I am grateful for my health and for the people in my life who respect this need to stretch my legs. My children are running by example, seeing in their mother the benefits of consistent exercise, and they are loving it! Now, to sign them up for some races 😀.

And then something even greater happened this year. Amidst these 2017 miles, the thrill and challenge of multisport caught me off guard. Specifically, I am dabbling in triathlon and duathlon. Having completed one of each, and being a land loving type, I can profess to enjoying the duathlon more than the tri but both have set in motion a desire for a different challenge.

I competed in and finished my first triathlon on May 8, 2017: The Spring Sprint. This is a kickoff to tri season in San Diego and it was a hoot! Spring weather is unpredictable and this day was no exception; a rainy morning with cloudbursts rolling through about every half an hour until the first wave took off about 7:00 AM. One would think that rain wouldn't be a bother since everyone is wet from the swim; however, with the two remaining events occurring after the swim, it would have been nice to have dry running shoes and a dry jacket. But it didn't matter because the vibe was infectious and everyone was there to have a great time so I stuck it out (with a flat tire that caused my bike leg to end with a 3 mile run - WITH my bike) and completed what I described at the time to be a most gloriously arduous event.

Then, just this past weekend, on July 30th, I competed in and finished the Solana Beach Sprint duathlon. I jokingly said I did the Du because I wasn't interested in swimming with sharks but if I'm to be completely honest, I wasn't mentally ready for the ocean swim. So the duathlon was a blast and I will happily sign up for longer distances in the near future, this is a wonderful next step and affords me the time to build my swim technique.

I'll be sharing the adventure and I'll be sharing the joy of what completing 2017 miles feels like as the second half of this year marches toward fall and winter. Stay healthy friends.

Enjoy the day!


  1. 2017 miles in 2017! That is ambitious and impressive! I know you will achieve and most likely surpass your goal because you are bad ass! I can't wait to see what else is in store for you this year! I am so excited you are doing tri's now!


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