January 2, 2018...a great day to begin again.

It seemed too cliche to begin a new, and more consistent, year of this blog on New Year's Day 2018 so, like all good procrastinators, I decided this morning, during my 6 mile 'wog', to begin a mostly-daily-reflection of the year as it unfolds. I will attempt to chronicle the daily struggles and the beautiful events as they happen but please understand that I abhor routine and intentionally have to schedule time for even the most automatic tasks. Bear with me. I will try. Moreover, I will attempt to write relate-able and relevant posts but if there is anything specific you'd ever like to read about, let me know and I will attempt to write about it ;-).

Which brings me to today. But first, back to Sunday, the 31st of December 2017 when I resolved to run 4 miles because, frankly, I knew I wanted to sleep in the next morning and in my self satisfied noggin, I felt completely justified swapping the miles I did on the 31st with sleeping in on New Year's Day (but still feeling guilty enough - I am my own worst judge and jury - to double up today to make up for not running yesterday). I over explained that...I ran twice today, not because I needed to but because I felt badly for not running yesterday. I have control issues; people know this and still they seem to love me.

I digress. My first run today took place on my sacred river walk trail. Why I love this trail: it seems to be very far away from civilization, I see the happiest people and their equally happy dogs walking and running and smiling, it's clean and well maintained (please feel free to donate to Lakeside River Park Foundation - a non profit that is working to establish more trails along the San Diego River in the future), I even feel safe running it in the dark, it connects Lakeside to Santee, out and back is a 10K, there are rock finding moments, sunrise on the trail is inspiring, and the list goes on; suffice to say that it's comfortable and close to home. The run was slow; a run one, walk one alternating pace that was both restful and heart pumping, providing me the opportunity to snap a beautiful photo of sunrise through the overlook, acknowledge the hummingbird that greeted me at mile 5, and, if I am to be completely forthcoming, put me back in the running for fun (frunning as my cousin refers to it) mindset that keeps me motivated. So run number one was more about motivation and relaxation than about 'training' for an event. Training starts next week (or tomorrow if fartleks catch my fancy) for the Catalina Island Marathon happening, again, March 10th. I am going to try the Hanson Marathon Method to see if I can finish that most arduous event in 5 hours or less. (Stay tuned)

My second run was more intentional-walking-for-mileage-collection but there is just something about Lake Murray that makes my heart smile and I breathe a little easier. It's just a special place.

Upon reflection, today I was reminded that, as I have stated in the past, sometimes we have to go slow to go fast. I am looking forward to thinking, if not always acting, consistently and continuing to speak from my heart. For whoever reads this, thank you. I reflect for me and I am always grateful if these meanderings of the mind reach others.

Here's to the series of sunrises that we each string together to build a year we can look back on with gratitude and one that will propel us forward, with strength, into the next.

Let's kick up some dirt this year!



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